The Fascist occupiers of Kurdish land and their barbaric leaders consistently commit horrific crimes against the Kurdish people. They continue to murder Kurdish civilians drive them into exile from Kurdistan as part of a systematic campaign of genocide pursued by the state of Turkey since 1993.
Those states that are following the path of the fascist state of Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria for their own interest need to be held to account for their crimes.
Kurdistan belongs to the Kurdish nation. Agreements made by the West with he occupiers of Kurdistan are unacceptable.
The government of the United States of Kurdistan (USK) will hold responsible every state, organization, individual, and whoever commits crimes against Kurdistan’s geography and the Kurdish nation.
The USK’s government declares any decision taken by the occupiers of Kurdish land to be illegitimate.
The USK’s government reserves all rights to prepare just and necessary action.
On behalf of the Government’s delegation,
P.s. note that this statement is made after the meeting of Turkey, Russia, France, and Germany on 27 October 2018.
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